Friday Forum - Choosing a methodology

Why do I use this technique? Insights from UK DRI researchers.

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The UK DRI Friday Forum is a bi-weekly series featuring informal workshops/presentations/Q&A/discussions on various topics ranging from grant writing, research translation to hot science!

Choosing a methodology (Why I use this technique)

In this panel discussion and Q&A we'll hear from UK DRI researchers about the pros and cons of using their chosen method. Methods for discussion include proteomics, RNAscope, in situ hybridisation, immunohistochemistry and more.

Speakers TBC.

Questions and discussion will be welcome throughout the session.

Friday 15 May, 12:00 - 13:00 BST

This event is open to UK DRI researchers and support staff only. Registration and associated Zoom links will be distributed via Centre Manager emails nearer the time of the event.