Meet the team

Tom Massey

"Our programme is using recent exciting genetic insights to develop new drug targets for Huntington's disease. We use a combination of human genetics, stem cell models and biochemistry to unpick the mechanisms driving HD. I am confident that we will have effective treatments to offer our patients in the new few years." Tom Massey
UK DRI Group Leader

Dr Tom Massey is a clinician scientist, whose research focuses on genetic modifiers and therapeutic targets for Huntington’s disease (HD). Dr Massey studied Biochemistry at Cambridge University, before completing his PhD at Oxford in mechanisms of DNA repair. He then trained in Medicine at Oxford University, before beginning a Welsh Clinical Academic Training Fellowship in Neurology in 2013. He developed his research proposal to investigate genetic modifiers in HD, in collaboration with Prof Lesley Jones and Prof Anne Rosser at Cardiff University. He was awarded a Clinical Research Training Fellowship from the MRC to take that work forward. In 2021, he completed his neurology training and became a Consultant Neurologist, and was then awarded an MRC Clinician Scientist Fellowship to further develop his work on genetic modifiers and therapeutic targets for HD. Dr Massey joined the UK DRI in Cardiff as a Group Leader in 2023.

1. Lab website

Cardiff profile