Meet the team

Bradley Roberts

"It’s a privilege to work with dedicated researchers collaborating on innovative and groundbreaking research that will transform the lives of those affected by neurodegenerative diseases." Bradley Roberts
UK DRI Science Review Manager

Roles & Responsibilities: Bradley leads on the development and coordination of intramural UK DRI funding programmes to catalyse innovative and collaborative research across the institute. Part of the Scientific Affairs Team, he also advises and supports UK DRI researchers on extramural funding applications and contributes to other scientific strategic initiatives.

Bradley joined the UK DRI in November 2023 following two years working at the Wellcome Trust. At Wellcome, Bradley managed a portfolio of neuroscience research and coordinated expert review panel and decision-making processes for grant applications to Wellcome’s Discovery Research funding schemes. He also managed several strategic investments including the International Brain Laboratory, Neuropixels Consortium and Discovery Research Platforms, and was part of a team developing initiatives to ensure equitable access to Wellcome’s funding offer to researchers based in lower-resourced countries.

Bradley is a cellular and circuits neuroscientist. Following completion of his PhD exploring GABA regulation of dopamine circuits at the University of Oxford and Oxford Parkinson’s Disease Centre, he was awarded a Junior Research Fellowship from St John’s College Oxford and an MRC Project Grant to investigate astrocyte regulation of dopamine function and dysfunction in Parkinson's disease.

Bradley’s interests include listening to science podcasts, hiking any and every national park, amateur running, cycling, and swimming, and daily walks with his husband and their giant dog Baloo. He is a long-term expat, originally from Maryland, USA.
