Meet the team

Jing Qiu

"With the support of the UK DRI, my team and I will make advances in unravelling microglial signalling in health and disease, accelerating the discovery of strategies to treat and prevent dementia." Jing Qiu
UK DRI Emerging Leader

Dr Jing Qiu was appointed as a UK DRI Emerging Leader in April 2022, sponsored by Prof Giles Hardingham, after being awarded funding from the MRC (Neuroimmunology Data Generation Award) and the Wellcome Trust (ISSF3). She is a Rowling Regenerative Neurology Fellow at the University of Edinburgh. Dr Qiu qualified as a medical doctor in China before moving to the UK to pursue a PhD in the lab of Prof David Murphy at the University of Bristol. She then joined Prof Giles Hardingham’s group at the University of Edinburgh in 2010.

1. Team members

Tom Leah (Technician)
Haoyu (Janice) Zou (PhD Student)
Allen Shaw (MSc student)
Zhuochun Huang (PhD Student)

2. Lab website

University of Edinburgh profile

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