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The Journal of physiology

Acute introduction of monomeric or multimeric α-synuclein induces distinct impacts on synaptic vesicle trafficking at lamprey giant synapses


Cristina Román-Vendrell, Jaqulin N Wallace, Aurelia Hays Watson, Meral Celikag, Tim Bartels, Jennifer R Morgan


J Physiol. 2024 Nov 12. doi: 10.1113/JP286281. Online ahead of print.


Synaptic aggregation of α-synuclein often occurs in Parkinson's disease (PD), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and other synucleinopathies and is associated with cognitive deficits and dementia. Thus, it is important to understand how accumulation of α-synuclein affects synapse structure and function. Native, physiological α-synuclein comprises a mixture of tetramers and related physiological oligomers (60-100 kDa) in equilibrium with monomeric α-synuclein. We previously demonstrated that acutely increasing the levels of physiological α-synuclein impaired intracellular synaptic vesicle trafficking and produced a pleiotropic phenotype, raising questions about which aspects of the synaptic phenotype were due to multimeric versus monomeric α-synuclein. Here, we address this by taking advantage of the unique features of the lamprey giant reticulospinal (RS) synapse, a vertebrate synapse that is amenable to acute perturbations of presynaptic processes via microinjection of purified proteins. α-Synuclein monomers and multimers were purified from HEK cells and separately introduced to lamprey synapses. Ultrastructural analysis revealed that both multimeric and monomeric α-synuclein impaired intracellular vesicle trafficking, leading to a loss of synaptic vesicles and buildup of endosomes. However, while monomeric α-synuclein additionally induced atypical fusion/fission at the active zone and impaired clathrin-mediated endocytosis, multimeric α-synuclein did not. Conversely, multimeric α-synuclein led to a decrease in synaptic vesicle docking, which was not observed with monomeric α-synuclein. These data provide further evidence that different molecular species of α-synuclein produce distinct and complex impacts on synaptic vesicle trafficking and reveal important insights into the cell biological processes that are affected in PD and DLB. KEY POINTS: α-Synuclein accumulation at synapses is associated with cognitive decline and dementia in Parkinson's disease and other synucleinopathies. We previously showed that acute introduction of excess human brain-derived α-synuclein to lamprey giant synapses caused pleiotropic phenotypes on synaptic vesicle trafficking, probably due to the mixture of molecular species of α-synuclein. Here, we dissected which aspects of the synaptic phenotypes were caused by monomeric (14 kDa) or multimeric (60-100 kDa) α-synuclein by purifying each molecular species and introducing each one separately to synapses via axonal microinjection. While monomeric α-synuclein inhibited clathrin-mediated synaptic vesicle endocytosis, multimeric α-synuclein primarily impaired endosomal trafficking. These findings reveal that different molecular species of α-synuclein have distinct impacts on synapses, suggesting different cellular and molecular targets.

PMID:39530449 | DOI:10.1113/JP286281

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Tim Bartels

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