The protein α-synuclein, a key player in Parkinson's disease (PD) and other synucleinopathies, exists in different physiological conformations: cytosolic unfolded aggregation-prone monomers and helical aggregation-resistant multimers. It has been shown that familial PD-associated missense mutations within the α-synuclein gene destabilize the conformer equilibrium of physiologic α-synuclein in favor of unfolded monomers. Here, we characterized the relative levels of unfolded and helical forms of cytosolic α-synuclein in post-mortem human brain tissue and showed that the equilibrium of α-synuclein conformations is destabilized in sporadic PD and DLB patients. This disturbed equilibrium is decreased in a brain region-specific manner in patient samples pointing toward a possible "prion-like" propagation of the underlying pathology and forms distinct disease-specific patterns in the two different synucleinopathies. We are also able to show that a destabilization of multimers mechanistically leads to increased levels of insoluble, pathological α-synuclein, while pharmacological stabilization of multimers leads to a "prion-like" aggregation resistance. Together, our findings suggest that these disease-specific patterns of α-synuclein multimer destabilization in sporadic PD and DLB are caused by both regional neuronal vulnerability and "prion-like" aggregation transmission enabled by the destabilization of local endogenous α-synuclein protein.
PMID:35141810 | DOI:
UK DRI Authors