Supporting groundbreaking international research
The UK DRI Biomarker Factory aspires to aid the development of an accurate, cost-effective, and scalable blood test for diagnosing a variety of neurodegenerative disorders in clinical settings. Its goal is to support the measurement, development and validation of fluid biomarkers in neurodegenerative projects taking place across the world.
Using state-of-the-art, ultrasensitive instruments, the expert team of UK DRI technical staff have the capacity to handle thousands of samples from human and animal studies, performing a range of measurements on blood (plasma/serum) and CSF. They also offer advice on appropriate biomarkers and technologies, general study design and standard operating procedures for sample collection, processing and storage, as well as data interpretation. The lab is open to enquiries from researchers at the UK DRI, as well as other academic and non-academic users.
Blood Biomarker Challenge
The UK DRI Biomarker Factory is proud to support two teams - ADAPT (Alzheimer’s disease Diagnosis And Plasma pTau217) and READ-OUT (REAl World Dementia OUTcomes) - in setting up clinical trials which will provide the evidence that blood tests for neurodegenerative disease are ready for use in the NHS. If successful, outcomes will pave the way for these tests to be made available to all those who may benefit within the next 5 years.
Read the full story here