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A group of people sat chatting on tables in a workshop

Thematic networks

Cross-cutting research networks

To ensure we capitalise on diverse expertise, approaches and perspectives across the UK DRI, we have established cross-centre thematic networks that bring together researchers to address the major scientific questions that remain in these key topic areas for dementia. They also offer a fantastic opportunity to link up with other organisations who share similar research interests. 

Each thematic network has a scientific and administrative lead, whose role is to unite researchers and promote collaboration through sharing of knowledge, ideas, resources, best practice and data. Several events take place throughout the year including strategic meetings, workshops and symposia. Early career researchers from the networks organise dedicated activities via steering groups, such as webinar and networking events.

vascular workshop discussion

Our current research themes

Cellular processes of ageing

A community of researchers interested in the mechanisms of ageing and age-related conditions, with a particular focus on DNA repair and protein aggregation

Learn more Cellular processes of ageing
Microglia and astrocytes around amyloid plaque

A community working towards investigating the role of glia in neurodegeneration

Learn more Glia
Motor neuron disease / ALS

A community of researchers working towards understanding the mechanisms and identifying therapies for motor neuron disease /ALS

Learn more Motor neuron disease / ALS
A fluorescence microscopy image of brain tissue showing green-labeled microglia with branching processes against a background of red and blue stained cellular structures.
Neuroimmune interactions

A community of researchers interested in the relationship between the immune system and the pathological processes that underlie neurodegeneration

Learn more Neuroimmune interactions

A community of researchers and clinicians working on Parkinson's disease

Learn more Parkinson's
Confocal microscopy of a microglia interacting with dendritic spines

A community of researchers interested in understanding the mechanisms behind synapse vulnerability and resilience in dementia

Learn more Synapse
Blood vessels from the montagne lab

A community of researchers working to understand vascular contributions to neurodegenerative disease

Learn more Vascular