Why vascular research?

The UK DRI-DPUK meeting in Manchester in 2022
Our brain has the richest network of blood vessels in the body. With age and during disease-causing conditions, including diabetes and hypertension, the integrity of these blood vessels are compromised reducing their ability to manage blood flow and clear waste. Consequently, brain cells become starved of oxygen and nutrients leading to neuronal damage, cognitive decline and death.
Vascular cognitive impairment, which encompasses vascular dementia, is the second most common type of dementia, resulting from vascular injury to the brain. More recent evidence suggests that impaired blood flow and vascular function occur in several neurodegenerative diseases, including in pre-symptomatic Alzheimer’s disease. Despite the increased awareness of the importance of brain vascular health, the mechanisms driving this vascular dysfunction remains a neglected area.
The Vascular thematic network brings together both clinical and preclinical researchers from across the UK DRI and beyond to investigate the role of and mechanisms behind vascular dysfunction leading to dementia. The theme aims to promote collaboration across the UK DRI and wider national and international community by organising symposia, workshops, sandpit and virtual meetings and obtain collaborative grants to advance understanding of the role of the brain vasculature in dementia-causing conditions.
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