Prof Suvankar Pal presents at the 2024 MND-SMART gathering. Credit: Maverick Photo Agency
The UK DRI Motor Neuron Disease Thematic network is led by Dr Marc-David Ruepp (UK DRI at King’s), Dr Sarah Mizielinska (UK DRI at King’s), and Prof Suvankar Pal (Co-investigator, UK DRI at Edinburgh). The network is managed by Dr Ruby Wallis (UK DRI Core Team) and has an Early Career Researcher (ECR) steering group to coordinate ECR activities.
The strengths and expertise of this theme include:
- Genetics (Shaw, Peters)
- Epigenetics (Marzi)
- Genome stability (Balmus)
- RNA biology (Ruepp, Ule)
- Nucleocytoplasmic transport (Mizielinska)
- Proteostasis (Isaacs)
- Axonal transport (Schiavo, Serio)
- Synaptic function and excitotoxicity (Selvaraj, Clayton)
- Glial pathology (Selvaraj, Chandran, Serio)
- Human-based biomarker discovery (Isaacs, Selvaraj, Pal)
- Pre-clinical gene therapy/small molecule development (Isaacs, McEwan, Ruepp, Shaw & others)
- Clinical trials (Chandran, Pal)