The UK DRI's Core team is the central hub of the institute, coordinating resources and providing operational and strategic support to the UK DRI's eight centres. The dedicated and experienced professional services team, many of whom are former researchers themselves, work behind the scenes to ensure the smooth running of the Institute.
The Core team ensures implementation of the UK DRI's national strategy - from running intramural grant rounds to hosting research theme events, liasing with industry partners to engaging with government.
By fostering a cohesive institute-wide culture and maintaining strong relationships with our funders and partners, the Core team plays a crucial role in advancing the UK DRI's mission to translate research discoveries and transform the lives of people with dementia and associated neurodegenerative conditions.
Find out more about the Core team below and how to get in touch with the team on the contact page.
We are additionally grateful to Prof Hugh Perry for his guidance and advice in his role as Honorary Consultant.

Centre Managers

Scientific Affairs

Business & Innovation

People and Culture

Communications & Engagement

Operations & Finance